8th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security

Padua, 28-30 November, 2024

8th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security

Padua, 28-30 November, 2024


Conference programme of the 8th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security 2024

UTC +1 – Central European Time (CET) – ITALY

Thursday – November 28, 2024

venue: Palazzo Bo’- University of Padova

14:00  – Registration

14:30-15:30  – Opening Welcome Address 
(Aula Magna) 

Matteo Di Castelnuovo, Conference General Chair and  AIEE President
Arturo Lorenzoni, Scientific Committee chair , Professor of the University of Padua

Keynote speakers        

15:45-16:45    Dual Plenary Sessions

Grid security and energy storage
Renewable energy, clean energy technologies and critical raw materials

17.00 -19.00  Welcome Cocktail – Caffè Pedrocchi

Friday – November 29, 2024

venue: “Levi Cases” Center for Energy Economy and Technology – Porta Portello

09.00 -10.30 concurrent sessions  n.  1-4 (1h.30′ each)

1. Hydrogen: a “new” partner in a consolidated energy system

Hydrogen-based technologies: limits and potentials of life-cycle cost approaches
Presenter: Agatino Nicita, CNR ITAE, Italy
Authors:Agatino Nicita, Gaetano Squadrito, Gaetano Maggio

Blue and green hydrogen in the European energy transition – a techno-economic analysis of competitive capacity investments
Presenter: Niels Nagel, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway
Authors:Niels Nagel, Eirik Ogner Jåstad

Techno-economics and process engineering analysis of introducing hydrogen in natural gas pipeline infrastructure: a case study for New Delhi, India
Presenter: Sukriti Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology – Ropar, India
Authors: Sukriti Sharma, Sukriti Sharma, Pragya Singh and Asad. H. Sahir

Economic and environmental sustainability of a photoelectrolysis cell for hydrogen production
Presenter: Mauro Giorgianni, CNR ITAE, Italy  
Authors: Mauro Giorgianni, Agatino Nicita, Gaetano Maggio, Stefano Trocino

2. Innovations in RES


Innovation ecosystem in the offshore wind sector: an analysis of the Brazilian case
Presenter:Thauan Santos, Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN) – Naval War College, Brazil
Authors:Thauan Santos, Gabriel Ralile de Figueiredo Magalhães, Jorcelino Rinalde de Paulo and Diogo Velasco

Sustainable geothermal solution for the decarbonisation of the European islands: case of Vulcano island in Italy
Presenter: Dan Azimi Mohaman, University of Padova, Italy
Authors: Dan Azimi Mohaman, Monia Procesi, Eloisa Disipio, Giorgia Dalla Santa, Antonio Galgaro

Floating Offshore Wind: opportunities and challenges of the Italian energy framework
Presenter: Marco Cappellari, University of Padova, Italy
Authors: Marco Cappellari, Arturo Lorenzoni

3. Energy access: sharing experiences

Energy access in developing country: the role of electricity generation
Presenter: José Venal, University of Beira Interior, Portuga
Authors: José Venal, António Marques e Tiago Afonso

The relationship between energy accessibility and income inequality in Latin America and Caribbean Countries
Presenter:Margarida Catalão-Lopes, CEG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Authors: Karen Villarroel, Inês Carrilho-Nunes; Margarida Catalão-Lopes

Latin America energy trilemma: perspectives on the energy transition
Presenter:Vitor Benfica, University of Beira Interior, Portugal/span>
Authors: Vitor Benfica, António Marques

4. Reflection on the gas market


The Impact of the 2022 Gas Crisis on LNG Trade and Market Integration in the Baltic, CEE, and Balkan Regions
Presenter: Milan Hudak, The Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE), Czech Republic
Author: Milan Hudak

Gas at the sunset? Persistent and transient impacts of the crisis on the Italian gas demand
Presenter: Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini, Università della Svizzera italiana, Institute for Economic Research, Switzerland
Authors: Alessandra Motz, Andrea Tenconi, Leonardo Gottardi, Roberto Bianchini, Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini

Liberalization and the volatility of gas prices: exploring their relation in times of abundance and scarcity
Presenter: Roberto Cardinale; University College London, UK
Authors: Roberto Cardinale

Estimating Short-Term price elasticities and market dynamics in the U.S. natural gas market: a Bayesian structural VAR approach
Presenter: Markos Farag, University of Cologne, Germany
Author: Markos Farag

10.30 -11.30  – Dual Plenary Sessions  (1h each)

The energy security concerns in an ever-changing geopolitical context: The EU strategy

Regulatory challenges for the electricity markets in a renewable-based energy system: the EU new market design

11.30 -13.00concurrent sessions n. 5-8 (1h.30′ each)

5 . Methods and instruments to support knowledge in energy field

Exploring decarbonization strategies for Italy through machine learning and socio-economic analysis
Presenter: Linda Cerana, University of Padova, Italy
Authors:Linda Cerana, Giovanni Cappena, Marco Agostini, Arturo Lorenzoni, Stefano Moret, Francesco Baldi

Dynamic knowledge graph construction for oil market risk management
Presenter Daisong Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Authors: Daisong Wang, Lu-Tao Zhao

A soft-link TIMES Italia-Plexos approach to develop Italian transition pathway scenarios
Presenter: Marco Agostini, University of Padova, Italy
Authors: Marco Agostini, Umberto Giuliani, Francesco Gracceva, Chiara Bustreo, Bruno Baldissara, Vittoria Battaglia, Livio De Chicchis, Giuseppe Zollino

6. Financial challenges for RES development

Developers’ perspective on barriers affecting distributed solar PV generations in Chile
Presenter: Claudio Agostini, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile
Author: Claudio Agostini, Shahriyar Nasirov, Carlos Silva, Jose Opazo, Paula Gonzalez

Financial Requirements of Carbon Neutrality in the Power Sector of the ASEAN: Perspectives from An Integrated Power Trade Model
Presenter: Youngho Chang, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Authors: Youngho Chang

Empowering Green Startups: The crucial role of Digital Finance training in supporting green startups’ success in the emerging green economy
Presenter: Racha Abdrabbo Haffar, Digital Excellence Bridge, UAE
Authors: Racha Abdrabbo Haffar

7. Energy poverty

Unveiling energy poverty in Southern Europe: indicators, vulnerability factors, and policy implications
Presenter: Roberto Barrella, ICAI School of Engineering, Comillas Pontifical University, Chair of Energy and Poverty & Institute for Research in Technology (IIT), Spain
Author:Clément Baumann,Roberto Barrella, José Carlos Romero

Institutional Quality: A hurdle or a catalyst to eliminating energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa?
Presenter: Wizelle Kritzinger, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Authors: Roula Inglesi-Lotz, Jessika Bohlmann, Victoria Graham, Livingstone Senyonga, Wizelle Kritzinger

The role of digitalization in reducing energy poverty
Presenter: Inês Carrilho-Nunes, CEGIST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Lisboa, Portugal
Authors: Teresa Magina, Inês Carrilho-Nunes, Margarida Catalão-Lopes

Energy poverty persistence: a cross-country analysis with a focus on gender
Presenter: Elisenda Jove, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Authors: Elisenda Jove, Carlotta Masciandaro and Machiel Mulder

8. Rethinking the contribution of nuclear and fossil fuels

Costs and risks of decarbonization and nuclear power: a TEMOA-Europe- scenario analysis
Presenter: Valeria Di Cosmo, Open Energy Transition – University of Torino, Italy
Authors: Daniele Lerede, Valeria Di Cosmo

Valuing the contribution of an LNG terminal to the national security of supply
Presenter: Keyvan Rucheton, FTI Consulting, France
Author: Emmanuel Grand, Keyvan Rucheton, Luis Lopez, Mehdi Aïd, Grégoire Saison

Socio-economic assessment of CCUS for the expansion of the circular bioeconomy, the CooCE project
Presenter: Diaz-Chavez Rocio, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, UK
Authors: Diaz-Chavez Rocio, Yara Evans

13.00 -14.30 – Lunch break

14.30 -16.00 – Dual Plenary Sessions (1h.30 each)

The gas role in the transition: natural gas, hydrogen and other renewable gases
Sustainable mobility challenges for the transition targets

16.00 -17.30 – concurrent sessions (1h.30′ each)

9 . The issue of energy security

Cost of energy system security: the Romanian case
Presenter: Ionut Purica, Consultative Council for Sustainable Development of Romania (CCDD), Romania
Authors: Ionut Purica, Mircea Munteanu and Munizer Purica

Energy security and governance – Revisiting a methodological analysis of the energy trilemma index
Presenter: Philip Walsh, Toronto Metropolitan University, Center for Urban Energy, Canada
Authors: Philip Walsh, Lez Rayman-Bacchus

What is the cost of energy autonomy? — Assessing import independence for a multi-modal, climate-neutral European energy system
Presenter: Jens Schmugge, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Germany
Authors:Jens Schmugge, Hans Christian Gils, Hedda Gardian

Emerging security and economic challenge within renewable energy communities: cost comparative analysis against cybersecurity issues in the evolving recs scenario
Presenter: Christian Mari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Authors:Christian Mari, Silvia Ricciuti, Simona Stolklin, Massimiliano Zanichiello, Francesca Giuliano

10. Grid and RES development: some evidences

Future electricity grids in energy islands – a scenario analysis with cyber security implications
Presenter: Johan Granberg, RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden
Author:Johan Granberg

The impact of utility-scale RES power production on the Italian electricity prices
Presenter: Fulvio Fontini, University of Padova, Italy
Authors: Fulvio Fontini, Cinzia Bonaldo and Damiano Alessi

The impact of a Dunkelflaute event on a decarbonized energy system
Presenter: Léo Coppens, VITO – UMONS, Belgium
Authors: Andrea Moglianesi, Léo Coppens, Das Partha, Duchêne François, Marenne Yves

Impact of grid innovations on electricity price volatility in Italian island markets
Presenter: Marina Bertolini, University of Padua, Italy
Authors: Marina Bertolini, Pierdomenico Duttilo, Francesco Lisi

11. Energy communities: some cases

The adoption of Renewable Energy Communities in Italian Municipalities
Presenter: Kimberly Celestiano, Ionian Department of Law, Economics and Environment – University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Authors: Kimberly Celestiano, Antonio Fuso, Alessandro Rubino

Renewable energy sources planning at the regional level: a case study in Italy
Presenter: Angelo Facchini, IMT Lucca, Italy
Author: Angelo Facchini, Daniele D’Armiento; Rossana Mastrandrea, Diego Garlaschelli, Alessandro Rubino

Rural Electricity and Children’s Educational Attainment: Evidence from Ethiopia
Presenter: Abreham Adera, University of Brescia and Italian Energy Poverty Observatory (OIPE), Italy
Authors: Abreham Adera, Raffaele Miniaci, Luciano Lavecchia

Investments in hybrid renewable energy systems in mountain communities
Presenter: Anna Carozzani, University of Padua, Italy
Authors:Anna Carozzani, Chiara D’Alpaos, Michele Moretto

12. Electricity market: some fundamental elements (I)

Why underlying market structure matters for the implementation of cross-border financial transmission rights in Europe
Presenter: Diyun Huang, University of Leuven, Belgium
Authors: Diyun Huang, Geert Deconinck

Sensitivity Analysis of Load Profiles: Implications for Resource Adequacy in Future Power System
Presenter: Valentin Satgé, CEA I-tésé, France
Author: Valentin Satgé

Continuous Intraday Market Analysis on the Hellenic Energy Exchange
Presenter:Eleni Ntemou, School of Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE), Greece
Authors: Eleni Ntemou, Filippos Ioannidis, Kyriaki Kosmidou, Kostas Andriosopoulos

Saturday – November 30, 2024


09.00 -10.30  –  concurrent sessions  n. 13-16   (1h.30′ each)

13. Innovation in energy storage

Optimal investment in storage in a distributed renewable energy system
Presenter: Chiara D’Alpaos, Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering – University of Padova, Italy
Authors:Marta Castellini, Chiara D’Alpaos, Fulvio Fontini, Michele Moretto

Drivers for innovation in energy storage technologies
Presenter: Margarida Catalão-Lopes, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Authors: Ana Sofia Pascoal, Inês Carrilho-Nunes; Margarida Catalão-Lopes

Storage valuation: investigating the link between benchmark pricing dynamics and economic fluctuations
Presenter:Carlo Andrea Bollino, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Author:Jennifer Considine, Philipp Galkin, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Abdullah Al Dayel

14. The mechanisms of certificates to support RES development

Volatility in Solar Renewable Energy Certificates: Jumps and Fat Tail
Presenter: Charles Mason, University of Wyoming, USA
Authors:Charles Mason, Neil A. Wilmot

Green Signals: Assessing price dynamics in the European green electricity certificate market
Presenter: Johannes Bösch, Technical University Munich, Germany
Authors: Johannes Bösch

Advancing Green Electricity Claims: The Shift to Granular Energy Attribute Certificates
Presenter:Hanna Friederike Scholta, TUM School of Management, Chair of Management Accounting, Germany
Authors: Hanna Friederike Scholta

15. Decarbonization in EU

The EU decarbonation policy in the post war in Ukraine era: challenges and opportunities for the armed forces
Presenter: Savvas Papasavvas, University of Cyprus/ Phaethon Center of Excellence, Cyprus
Authors: Savvas Papasavvas

European carbon prices: Does it impact electricity prices in France?
Presenter: Francois Benhmad, University of Montpellier, France
Authors: Francois Benhmad, Jaques Percebois

The role of structural changes for the reduction of energy intensity: does offshoring matter? Empirical evidence from OECD countries
Presenter: Claudia Amadei, Department of Economics and Management & Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Economics (CRIEP), University of Padova, Italy
Authors: Claudia Amadei, Cesare Dosi, Francesco Jacopo Pintus

16. Energy efficiency and DSM

The energy system impacts of electric heating in Northern Europe under variable historic weather scenarios
Presenter: Seikh Hayatul Haque, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Author: Seikh Hayatul Haque, Niels Oliver Nagel, Ian M. Trotter, Erik Trømborg, Eirik Ogner Jåstad

Assessing the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Real Estate Values: A Hedonic Analysis in Padua, Italy
Presenter:Carolina Bonardi Pellizzari, University of Padua, Italy
Authors: Carolina Bonardi Pellizzari, Cristiano Franceschinis, Tiziano Tempesta, Mara Thiene, Daniel Vecchiato

Preferences for measures of demand side management and value of lost load: a multi-country discrete choice experiment
Presenter: Anna Alberini, University of Warsaw, Poland
Author: Milan Ščasný, Anna Alberini, Mikolaj Czajkowski

Integrating BMS and BIM to improve interoperability between simulation and energy management environments
Presenter: Federico Rossi, University of Padua, Italy
Author: Federico Rossi, Beatrice Maria Toldo, Carlo Zanchetta

10.30 – 12.00  –  concurrent sessions  n. 17-20   (1h.30′ each)

17. The future of sustainable transport

Research on the effect of policy implementation in test demonstration zones on the commercial operation of autonomous driving —Verification Based on DID Model
Presenter: Ruiyu Feng, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Authors: Yingqi Liu, Ruiyu Feng

The role of electric railway in the tr trfgtstansport decarbonization
Presenter: Silvia Orchi, ENEA, Italy
Authors: Silvia Orchi, Alessandro Ruvio

Unveiling Consumer Choices for Renewable Methane in Private Transportation: A Discrete-Choice Experiment Approach
Presenter:Benedikt Rilling, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany
Authors:Benedikt Rilling, Carsten Herbesl

Which type of vehicle mileage tax is the public most willing to accept?
Presenter: Ofir Rubin, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Authors:Ofir Rubin, Aviv Steren, Stav Rosenzweig

18. The challenge for industrial sector: reducing emissions

Enhancing off-grid energy security trough reversible solid oxide cell systems economic analyses of case studies and business models
Presenter: Emre Avci, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), Switzerland
Authors: Emre Avci, Oliver Woll, Marco Kunz

Carbon Giants: Exploring the Top 100 Industrial CO2 Emitters in the EU
Presenter: Simon Sturn, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austr
Authors: Simon Sturn, Xenia Miklin, Thomas Neier, Klara Zwickl

European decarbonisation and refineries: analyzing the conditions for a profitable adoption of clean hydrogen
Presenter:Tommaso Bonini, Technical University of Munich, School of Management, Centre for Energy Markets, Germany
Authors: Tommaso Bonini, Svetlana Ikonnikova

19. Pathway for zero emission in Africa regions

Transitioning towards a Zero-emission electricity sector in a Net Zero pathway for Africa delivers contrasting energy, economic and sustainability synergies across the region
Presenter: Mustafa Dagbasi, Cyprus international University, Cyprus
Authors: Mustafa Dagbasi, Humphrey Adun

Impact of Zero-Emission Electricity in Africa’s Net-Zero Strategy
Presenter: Humphrey Adun, Cyprus international University, Cyprus
Authors:Mustafa Dagbasi, Humphrey Adun

Evaluating the cost-competitiveness of decentralised green fertilizer production in Sub-Saharan Africa
Presenter: Marco Schamel, Technical University of Applied Sciences (OTH) Regensburg, Germany
Authors: Marco Schamel

20.  Elements for the future: bioeconomy and CRM

Sectoral and economy-wide implications of reducing implicit subsidies to electricity sector in Ethiopia
Presenter: Amsalu Woldie Yalew, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Author: Amsalu Woldie Yalew

Unlocking European biogas and biomethane: Policy insights from comparative analysis
Presenter:Marzia Sesini, Florence School of Regulation – EUI , Italy
Authors: Marzia Sesini, Anna Cretì, Olivier Masso

Enhancing the CO2 potential as a bioeconomy enabler
Presenter: Sara Giarola, Imperial College London , UK
Author:Sara Giarola, Pablo Basterrechea-Roca, Nilay Shah, Yara Evans, Rocio Diaz-Chavez

Evaluating how the availability of critical raw materials may affect the security of future energy systems: a case study for Italy
Presenter: Matteo Nicoli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Author:Matteo Nicoli, Alessio Vai, Gianvito Colucci, Laura Savoldi

12.00 – 13.00  –  concurrent sessions  n. 20-22   (1h each)

21. Electricity market: some fundamental elements (II)

Effects of a systematic variation of load profiles on a climate neutral electricity system in Germany
Presenter: Clara Fuhrer, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Author: Clara Fuhrer

Wholesale electricity price index formulas and volatility
Presenter:Alessandro Sapio, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
Authors: Alessandro Sapio


22. The ESG implication

Energy sector ESG measures – subsector bias and geographical location effect
Presenter: Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska, University of Warsaw, Polandy
Author: Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska

A Model of U-Shaped Relationship of Corporate Performance and ESG Behavior
Presenter: Akira Maeda, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Authors: Akira Maeda, Hiroshi Ishijima

13.00 –  Light lunch

Conference Closing


Conference proceedings
AIEE will publish the conference proceedings on-line on the conference website, in one volume with open access. The proceedings will contain the abstracts, it is not obligatory to submit the full paper, unless the author is interested to publish it.
8th AIEE Energy Symposium – Conference Proceedings
ISBN 9788894278132
publication date: December 31st, 2024
The AIEE does not copyright conference abstracts, papers and presentations. The author retains the copyright of their presented paper and gives permission to AIEE to post their abstract and presentation in the online proceedings
Contact us

Conference Secretariat:

Phone: +39.06.3227367;
e-mail: aiee@aieesymposium.eu; assaiee@aiee.it