7th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
14-16 December, 2022
7th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
14-16 December, 2021
Virtual conference in cooperation with

SDA Bocconi School of Management

The 6th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security will be organized this year with the scientific contribution of a prestigious partner that is the SDA Bocconi School of Management.
We therefore present you the SDA Bocconi School of Management Sustainability Lab and its excellent team that will give us their organizational and scientific support during our event.
SDA Bocconi Sustainability Lab is a research center that aims to develop and disseminate innovative and influential research to support both the private and the public sector in the journey towards sustainable development.
The Sustainability Lab builds the scientific evidence base to help organizations to maintain and review their current and future market positioning, by integrating the environmental, energy and social challenges into their strategies and practices.
It also contributes to building organizational skills and leadership capabilities to favor the organizational change required by the UN Agenda 2030. Moreover, the Lab’s faculty members teach in most courses related to sustainability and energy at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Finally, the Sustainability Lab participates in the academic debate with the publication of papers, articles, reports and books.
The Sustainability Lab’s activities are performed by professors, researchers and experts of SDA Bocconi.
The research areas of the Sustainability Lab’s activities
Research activities focused on energy markets, infrastructures and new technologies; development of innovative strategies and business models to respond to a rapidly changing world.
Research activities focused on sustainability-oriented business models and strategies as well as on stakeholder engagement and reporting tools (according to the key standards and certifications e.g. GRI, UN Global Compact, Directive on Non Financial Reporting, B-Corp).
Research activities focused on blue economy dynamics, with a focus on strategic, organizational and technological solutions developed by companies and on the forms of collaboration between various stakeholders.
Research activities focused on financial services integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the business and investment decisions for sustainable solutions.
Research activities focused on companies’ response capacity, through the improvement of decision-making processes relating to the allocation of resources, the management of dialogue with stakeholders, up to the development of measurement tools to disclose social and economic value generated.
Conference Secretariat:
Phone: +39.06.3227367; Fax: +39 06 8070751
e-mail: aiee@aieesymposium.eu; assaiee@aiee.it